
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Strawberry Shortcake Chore Chart

M&M needs LOTS of motivation.  To get anything done.  My kid has been potty trained for a year and a half, but needs to wear a diaper to bed.  Once that diaper goes on, it's like she HAS to poop in it.  sigh.  And she won't go to sleep until she's done her "job."

In comes the "chore" chart.  Or in our house, the poopy chart.  Don't get me wrong, my kid is awesome-ly amazing at be potty trained.  But we have the biggest Bedtime Battle that ends after she poops.  But this post isn't about her pooping habits, it's about her chore chart!

Every time she poops in the pot, or goes all night w/o a poopy diaper, she gets a sticker.  She rarely goes poop during the day, so I decided she can still earn a sticker to be excited, and maybe change the time of day she goes (fingers crossed!)

Her reward?

This orange Strawberry Shortcake car.  I got it off ebay with some other Strawberry Shortcake stuff and had put it away for the right moment.  Well, Dad opened up my hide-y spot and she saw it and that's ALL she talked about, so I told her I would make up a chart and when she filled it with stickers she could have the car.

This is the 3rd Chore Chart I've made since I can never find any good ones online.  It's made from free stuff you can find on the Strawberry Shortcake website, I just put it all together in Photoshop.

The strawberries are about ¾" and I found perfectly sized food stickers in Target's scrapbooking section for about $1.  

She's been doing ok with it.  Lots of nights she doesn't earn a sticker, but we talk about it before bed and the chart hangs where she can see it, so...I think it's helping!  She's got stickers, so that's saying something!

If you want a copy, I'm sharing it on Google Drive, click here.  

Happy Creating!!

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